CU Grow on Urbanology
Urbanology is a monthly radio segment published on the nationally distributed cable television and digital media network, Soul City. Every month, representatives and supporters of the CU Grow program, including current and past program participants, are invited as special guests to discuss current trends that can affect or influence MWBE business as well as to promote MWBE firms and opportunities on the “MWBE Corner” segment of Urbanology. Created by radio host Tony Rogers, Urbanology focuses on providing modern cutting-edge entertainment, education, and influence on urban communities around the world.
Listen and read more about CU Grow on the monthly radio segment Urbanology below:

Show List and Recap
This special show segment was a Columbia University reunion; Tony Rogers invited La-Verna Fountain and Tanya Pope to share thoughts of the past and how the Urbanology show has transcended with the partnership of Columbia University and supporting MWLBE firm within Harlem. Along with Jamal Joseph, Professor, and Head of the Screenwriting Concentration within Columbia University School of the Arts
This show segment invited Michael M. Clay, Senior Director, of Opportunity Programs from DASNY, to discuss opportunities for MWBE firms. Capital Management Plan (CMP) - Offers access to construction, plumbing, and electrical suppliers who will offer competitive terms and pricing to participants who are low bidders on DASNY projects.
This show segment invited Alexis MacSween from Bottomline Construction. We discussed Alexis' mission for community engagement, which has allowed her to create a new program called Youth Construct and continue to work with the Harlem community. Jerome Downey, Chief Executive Officer at L'Espace De Rêve, an art curator in the Harlem community that is impacting change within the youth and Harlem
This show segment invited Michael M. Clay, Senior Director of Opportunity Programs from DASNY, to discuss opportunities for MWBE firms along with Tanya Pope, AVP of University Supplier Diversity and the Co-Consultant of the Ascend Regional Program, a new regional program that will support MBE firms secure contracting opportunities with strong stakeholders in the business.
Dr. Johnson Cook, The first female Chaplain for the NYPD and she highlighted the pivotal video segment of 9/11 as how she spearheads the leadership on faith to support business and people in the surrounding areas of 9/11, which can be viewed here:
Dr. Johnson-Cook also served as a faith advisor for the Disney movie, Soul. She has acted as a faith leader for both President Clinton and President Obama.
It is the esteemed honor to speak with a veteran CU Grow Expert, Coach Patricia Warner, to discuss her experience in business coaching in the CU Grow program and how she reached a successful consulting business.
This show segment invited Lloyd Grant, a CU Grow Expert Coach and Marketing Expert in Residence, to share best business practices on how MWBE firms can expand their marketing presence. Miracle Garden is a historical garden on 125th Street and St. Nicholas. It has allowed the Harlem community to revitalize the garden and offer it as a youth garden for the Harlem community to expand healthy eating and sustainable free nourishment to the Harlem Community.
This show segment invited Stephen Wilder, current CU Grow participant and Principal of ThinkWilder Architecture, a full-service, emerging architecture firm based in the New York/New Jersey area, was invited on the show as a special guest, where he discussed the challenges of being a young person of color pursuing a career in architecture with hopes to give back to his community in Harlem. Stephen explored his new business opportunities and how being a participant in the CU Grow program has shifted his business practices.
Stephen Wilder, current CU Grow participant and Principal of ThinkWilder Architecture, a full-service, emerging architecture firm based in the New York/New Jersey area, was invited on the show as a special guest, where he discussed the challenges of being a young person of color pursuing a career in architecture with hopes to give back to his community in Harlem. Stephen explored his new business opportunities and how being a participant in the CU Grow program has shifted his business practices.
Celebrating Women's History Month, special guests Dr. Jana Woodhouse, the first Black woman that worked as a stock exchange trading agent, discussed the work she does in building financial literacy in the black community, and Voula Mamais, President of Mamais Construction (a multi-millionaire construction company) discussed how she positioned her business in Harlem and has aligned herself as client of Columbia University. Both women shared stories of resiliency in a male-dominated business through their strength and courage.
Listen and watch the episode here >>
To celebrate Black History Month, Keidi Awadu, a vegan chef and author of multiple books was invited to discuss the importance of being conscious in building a healthy diet and creating global economic opportunities as well as Danielle Douglas of Inspire Enterprise, a CU Grow coach, who founded the Black Business Owner Council and discussed how to work in partnership with industry experts to support Black businesses positioned for success.
Listen and watch the episode here >>
This show segment welcomes the Harlem small business community to 2021 with helpful resources available. Additionally, CU Grow announces the launch of its new cohort with special guest and program alumnus Diane Moore from Cleanwork Solutions, who discusses her business success after graduating from CU Grow.